芸術学部 三升体育平台の学生12名が、YOASOBI(ヨアソビ)の曲「好きだ」のミュージックビデオのアニメーション制作に参加しました。 この曲は、直木賞作家である森絵都氏の小説『ヒカリノタネ』を原作に制作された曲で、本ミュージックビデオもその小説の内容をアニメーションとして描いています。
Twelve students from the Faculty of Art participated in the animation production of the official music video for YOASOBI's song "Sukida". This song is based on the novel "Hikarinotane" by Eto Mori, a Naoki Prize-winning author.
YOASOBI「好きだ(SUKIDA)」Official Music Videoこちら(You Tube)
This collaboration was realized through a proposal by Professor Kenji Itoso (Dean of the faculty of Arts), who was consulted on this animation from the production side. While he was the animation director for this music video, 12 students also voluntarily participated in the production.
This time, at our university, we adopted a production method in which professionals check students’ video data one by one and give feedback directly to each individual. By giving more detailed guidance than at the actual production site, students were able to improve our skills and knowledge in a short period of time. Also, since YOASOBI is an artist who is popular among the younger generation, they painted YOASOBI’s work with a more realistic sensibility. Students' names are featured in the credits at the end of the video. At the Faculty of Arts, we are focusing on cultivating students who are ready to work in the field by using materials that have actually been presented in regular classes as teaching materials.
[About Professor Itoso ]
Professor Itoso of Osaka Seikei University, who is currently working as a video director and whose research theme is video production, has students participate in practical projects that lead to active learning as well as a deeper understanding of the production process.