Faculty of Education
Division of Secondary School Education
Division of Primary School Education
The Faculty of Education stresses thorough, real-life practice. We develop teachers who can educate and care for students and children through a tireless passion for education, a close attachment to those they teach, and the ability to put training to practical use. The curriculum gives them practical lessons and valuable in-school practicums, and it reflects the needs of today’s schools. We also give students practice towards passing the teachers’ certification exam before they graduate, and we offer support in finding a teaching job after graduation.

Features of the Faculty
- A high percentage of students pass the teachers’ certification exam, and in the five years since the faculty was established all of our graduates have found employment (graduates from 2018 to 2022).
- Students can choose from five kinds of teaching licenses depending on their desire to work at a kindergarten, elementary school, junior/senior high school, or special-needs school.
- Students do their second-year experience and third- and fourth-year practicum (three years total) at the same kindergarten or school, giving them more thorough on-site training.
- Students get a wealth of experience in on-site training, as well as guidance from instructors with experience on education committees and in academic societies.

Division of Secondary School Education
English Education Course
English language education has never been more important than now, in today’s increasingly globalized world. This course is intended for future English teachers and designed to enhance their ability to teach in English. Students benefit from time spent in overseas educational institutions, including the U.S. and Australia, to refine their international perspective as educators.

Health and Physical Education Course
This course helps students gain the skills required for practical instruction with athletics and ball games and understand sports medical science, preventive medicine, competitive characteristics, and physical well-being. It trains teachers with the right scientific grounding for PE classes and club guidance.

Division of Primary School Education
Elementary Education Course
Based on the content of elementary school education, students learn educational theory and gain the teaching and class management skills required through numerous trial lessons and on-site training to create lessons that are as appealing as possible to children.

Preschool Education Course
Students gain insights into infant development and psychology and develop a range of childcare techniques, including music, art, and exercise. They are trained as kindergarten or nursery school teachers to support the mental and physical development of children.

Master’s Program in Education, Graduate School of Education
Students collaborate with local schools, nurseries, and other entities involved in educating children while reflecting on a range of educational practices. We train advanced education professionals who can solve problems creatively. We have established a system for teachers already employed to learn while continuing their careers.